Is it just me, or does anyone else see an eerie resemblance between the late Superman, Christopher Reeve, and AIDS victim and former rock star, Freddie Mercury? Most of all, the shape of their narrow and somewhat convex noses, and their cheeks too.
Freddie Mercury was of Parsi (Persian) ancestry and Zoroastrian, is it possible that they both share some ancient Aryan/Indo-European ancestor in common that gave them some resemblance in their phenotypes? It would be very interesting with a genome-wide SNP scan, to know their haplogroups and where they cluster in relation to each other.
I'm no faggot or anything, but Christopher Reeve was a good looking guy in the Superman movies, and Freddie Mercury, when he didn't have that ugly moustache, also looked quite good.
How would you classify them? Obviously, Mercury was somewhat swarthier, but other than that I do think they have a very similar phenotype in many ways.
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